Serving at Our Saviour’s
Participate in Worship
- Cantor – Sings liturgical sentences during worship; as needed.
- Scripture Reader – Reads scripture lessons during the worship service, role rotates approximately 2-6 times yearly.
- Ushers – Hand out bulletins, collect offering, after service pew cleanup. Teams are set up according to which service you select and the teams are then rotated. Send an email to volunteer.
- Acolytes – Lights candles and assists Pastor with communion distribution.
- Crucifer – Carry processional cross at special services.
- Communion Assistant – Assists Pastors with distribution of Communion elements on a rotating schedule. Click here to sign up to volunteer.
Worship Support
- Altar Guild – Prepares chancel area (candles, paraments, baptismal font, flowers) and prepares communion. Cares for and launders acolyte robes when needed.
- Bulletin Stuffers – Assemble bulletins weekly.
- Coffee Servers – Prepare coffee and set up, serve between worship services, cleanup. Two teams share duties each week. Rotate Sundays. Send an email to sign up to volunteer!
- Greeters – Welcome people to worship services. Rotate Sundays. Click here to sign up to volunteer!
- Information Desk – Answer questions between worship services about current happenings, signups or direct to appropriate staff member. Send an email to sign up to volunteer!
- Nursery Assistant – On rare occasions, the Sunday morning nursery provider will be ill or in need of assistance.
- Pew Rack Cleaners Check pew racks to straighten, replenish or discard used items
- Decorators – Three times a year decorate Worship Center and Narthex for Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost.
- Waterers – Easter and Christmas Garden watering twice a week. Water outdoor pots from May through September as needed.
- Production & Tech – Assist with Audio and Visual needs at worship services and other special events
- Chancel Choir – Adult and High School Choir that sings most Sundays at 9:00 AM worship service. Rehearses Tuesdays 7:00-8:00 PM
- Good News Gang – Grades 1-6 children’s choir. On hold at this time. Rehearses Wednesday 6:15-7:00 PM during the school year. Sings monthly at 9:00 or 10:30 AM service.
- New Creation Subs – Worship and praise band that leads 10:30 AM service. Subs as needed for each of the instrumentation and vocals.
- REFRESH Band Subs – Worship and praise band that leads Wednesday 7 PM Service during the school year. Subs as needed for each of the instrumentation and vocals.
- Other Vocal Music – Sing a solo or in a small group as needed for worship
- Instrumentalists – Play an instrument for worship as a solo or an ensemble
- Accompanist – 2-3 times per month with children’s choirs; rehearsals and Sunday morning; as needed.
- Jubilee Ringers – Play handbells in worship about once a month; rehearses Thursdays 7:00-9:00 PM. Adults.
Support Our Saviour’s Youth
- Pancake Breakfast – First Sunday in September after Labor Day weekend. Serving, cooking, and cleaning. 2-hour shift
- Advent Activity Day – At-home preparation of activities. Begin in September.
- Rainbow Bags – Maintain the preschool children’s Rainbow Bags on a regular basis throughout the year
- First Communion – Assist the 5th graders with Communion bread baking and making clay communion cups.
- Classroom Leader – Prepare and lead class activities each week. Team teach (two teachers together in room) or Turn Teach (every other week) are also available. Sunday or Wednesday.
- Assistant Leader – Assist a classroom leader throughout the year Sundays or Wednesdays.
- Substitute Leader – As needed, may be contacted with short notice.
- Resource Center – On Sunday morning (1 time a month or more) support teachers, help with supplies, field questions.
- Music Leader – Lead music, either alone or with others. Piano players and/or guitar players are also needed.
- VBS Leader – Lead Vacation Bible School class or activity 4 days in summer.
- VBS Helper – Assist a Vacation Bible School classroom leader during VBS or help with preparation of class materials beforehand.
Support God+Life
- 7th Grade – Small group leader guides students through the 7th grade God +Life year. Classes meet every other week on Wednesday evenings.
- 8th Grade – Small group God +Life leader. Classes meet every other week on Wednesday evenings.
- 9th Grade – Meet every other Wednesday in the Sanctuary to hear a brief message and be challenged in their faith.
- Resource Room – Support teachers, help with supplies, field questions, check attendance. Wednesday evenings.
- Worship Note Coord. – Keeps track of worship notes.
- Seder Preparation – Serve with others to arrange for the details of the Seder for eighth graders and their parents each year.
- Serve Refreshments – Several times during the year students and parents gather for an evening together. Treats, that parents provide are served and beverages prepared.
Youth Fellowship and Ceremonies
- Summer Bonfires – Monthly bible study, games and worship around the 6th-12th grades. June-August.
- Bible Camp – Wapogasset and Ox Lake during the summer. 4th-12th grade.
- Lock-Ins – Age appropriate evening activities and occasional overnights. Several times annually for 4th-12th graders.
- Large Group Events – Various events for the different age groups Middle School (6th-8th graders), or High School (9th-12th graders) youth.
- Baccalaureate Sunday – Worship service and lunch for High School Graduates and families
- Youth Mission Trips – Chaperones needed for the yearly Senior High and Middle School trips
- Serving opportunities are always needed with fundraisers and events for the youth.
General Office Support
- Newsletter – Monthly help to prepare The Messenger newsletter for mailing, approximate 2-hour time commitment.
- Counters – Meet Monday mornings to process and receipt the Sunday offering.
- Special Mailings – Help with various mailings throughout the year.
- Social Media – Knowledge of the different social formats, example Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.
Preserve Our Property
- Spring Clean-up – Various projects including parking lot sweep, debris removal, flower planting, bush trimming, and mowing.
- Fall Clean-up – Rake leaves, trim shrubs.
- Windows – Wash windows inside or outside about twice a year.
- Mowers – Mow church grounds occasionally throughout the summer
- Carpet Cleaning – Shampoo carpet, as needed.
- Snow Plowing – Help blow off snow from sidewalks throughout the winter.
- Painting – Paint plain walls, furniture, or murals as needed.
- General Maintenance – If you are handy, we could use your help with fix-up projects as needed.
- Specialties – If you have trained skills in plumbing, electrical projects, we can use your expertise and help on occasion.
- Woodworkers – Help with specialized projects as needed.
- Evening Maintenance – Assist with room set up, directing people, and locking up in the evenings.
Miscellaneous Support
- Photographers – Take pictures at events.
Leadership Teams
- Caring – Leadership team that oversees, coordinates, and supports the caring ministries in our congregation.
- Children, Youth, & Family – This Leadership team leads in developing, inspiring, guiding, and empowering effective Christian Education and spiritual formation in children, youth, and families. For Youth, the Leadership team that leads in planning, coordinating, and inspiring ministry to our youth.
- Buildings & Grounds – This Leadership team works for good maintenance, protection and attractiveness of all property of the congregation, works cooperatively with the custodial staff and sees that all property is properly insured.
- Evangelism – Leadership team that helps to stimulate and lead the congregation in its hospitable welcome and outreach to the unchurched and less church, which includes incorporating people into intentional relationships in Christ’s Church in which they can experience a variety of opportunities for meaningful fellowship, support, learning, and prayer.
- Finance – Reviews the monthly financials for presentation to the Church Council. Prepares a draft budget for the succeeding year.
- Audit Team – Provides an annual audit of the church books.
- Memorials & Gifts – Oversee and review the gifts given and disburse as requests are made
- Worship and Music – Gives direction on the worship and music of the church.
- Ministry Team – Meets every two months.
- Endowment – Leadership team that manages the assets and
- Foundation – Disbursements of the income of the Endowment Fund. 3-year elected position.
- Stewardship/Connection Team – Leadership team that interprets the vision and mission of the congregation and communicates Christian understandings of money, individual and spiritual gifts and talents.
- Church Council – Has general oversight of the life and activities of the congregation.
- Nominating – Meets annually to provide recommendations for all elected congregational offices and positions.
- Serving – Leadership team that promotes congregational involvement in service to the ill, the aged, the orphaned, the poor, the imprisoned, and others in need.
- Synod Assembly – People needed to serve as voting members for the synod and region. Must be elected into position. 2-day commitment.